Wheel of Fortune

4.6 | 499M+
Wheel of Fortune
Sony Pictures Television
100% Safe


The latest version of the Wheel of Fortune app includes a number of new features, as well as bug fixes.

New features:

  • New puzzles: We’ve added a new set of puzzles to the app, so you can keep playing for hours on end.
  • Improved graphics: The graphics in the app have been improved, making the game look even more realistic.
  • Bug fixes: We’ve fixed a number of bugs that were causing problems in the previous version of the app.

Additional details:

  • The new puzzles are all based on popular categories from the TV show, such as “Places,” “Things,” and “People.”
  • The improved graphics include new animations and effects that make the game more immersive.
  • The bug fixes address a number of issues that were affecting gameplay, such as incorrect answers being accepted and the wheel not spinning properly.

Wheel of Fortune fans, rejoice! As one of the most popular and longest surviving game shows in American television history, Sony has further expanded the show’s reach through their latest release: the Wheel of Fortune app. The app allows fans to experience the fun and excitement of the game show right from their mobile device. The app offers various exciting features that are sure to appeal to fans of all ages.

The app is packed with exciting features that provide users with an engaging and immersive experience. The Solo Mode allows players to test their puzzle-solving skills and play through three decades of Wheel of Fortune history. The app also allows users to play against others in Spin it together mode, where they can challenge friends or play against anyone on social media platforms. As players progress, they can unlock new levels and avatar items by showcasing their expertise in the game.

The Wheel of Fortune app is easy to use and provides a seamless experience. Its immersive story mode allows users to enjoy the full experience of the show's rich history. Players can also customize their in-game avatar with different accessories and clothing options as they advance in the game.

The app does not offer a multiplayer mode, which might be a turn off for some users. Also, while it is possible to play the game online, lack of stable internet connectivity can be a problem for some users

Wheel of Fortune app is available for download on App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Appstore. Once installed, players can choose to play either in Solo mode or Spin it together mode to challenge another player or play with friends in Pass & Play mode. While playing, players can accumulate achievements that can be displayed to the public.

While both Spin it together mode and Pass & Play mode allow players to play with friends, in Pass & Play mode, players share the same device or phone to play the game. In contrast, Spin it together mode allows players to challenge others or play the game against opponents on various social media platforms.

While it is possible to play the game offline, it is necessary to have a stable internet connection to participate in Spin it together mode.

Yes, players can log in and out of the app and continue from where they previously stopped playing.

Wheel of Fortune app is a fun and exciting way to engage with one of America's most iconic game shows. It's easy to use, engaging, and packed with features that provide hours of entertainment. This, combined with the app's ability to customize their avatar, keeps the game fresh and engaging for players of all ages.
